Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Just Can't Stop

That is an Al Green song title by the way... it's a really catchy tune. It's also an accurate description of my inability to cease the wedding craft mayhem. I bought yet more stuff to add to the centerpieces. That means a couple more hours of putting things together on top of the current centerpieces that I haven't actually finished yet. Matt and I also talked it over and we want to have a nice guestbook after all. Which, of course, means I'm going to make a guestbook. But it's not going to be any old guestbook that you sign your name in and your done... Oh no. We would never let you get off that easily. It's going to be a fun little project that everyone gets to partake in. Actually, I have the easy part. You guys as guests are the ones who are really going to have to do the work. I don't want everyone getting bored and going home early! I've got a project for you to keep you entertained!

You'll see what I mean...


Anonymous said...

Tell us about the cake!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what you've done now.
Let me know if I can help!
